Zsolt Takács (oker1)

Clean Puppet code

Puppet is a programming language, and like all others, it’s only up to you how well you can use it to your advantage. It is a very specific, declarative DSL, but I found that most of the principles of software development still apply to it pretty well.

You have to structure your code otherwise it will become tangled and hard to maintain. Puppet provides a great feature for this, modules. A module is a directory in the puppet module path. It has a simple structure, classes and defines are autoimported if you put them in separate manifest files.

Puppet has features for abstractions too. Classes and parameterized classes are great for resources that can have only one instance on a server. For resources with multiple instances, you can use defines (custom resources).

To manage dependencies, you can just arrow your code to death, but you’ll regret that later, when you want to refactor your resources. Defining the minimal dependencies explicitly gives you the freedom to move your resources around, and still maintain the proper ordering between them.

Once you get familiar with all these features, you can use them to create better code. Let’s consider the following example, a simple manifest managing apache2 and two virtual hosts:

class mysite {
	package {
			ensure => latest,
	} -> service {
			ensure => running,
	} -> file {
			content => template("mysite.com.erb"),
			notify  => Service["apache2"],
	} -> file {
			content => template("admin.mysite.com.erb"),
			notify  => Service["apache2"],

It’s easy to see the biggest problem with this class is that the general apache2 parts can not be reused without the virtual hosts. We can easily split the class in two:

class apache2 {
	package {
			ensure => latest,
	} -> service {
			ensure => running,

class mysite {
	file {
			content => template("mysite.com.erb"),
			require => Package["apache2"],
			notify  => Service["apache2"],

	file {
			content => template("admin.mysite.com.erb"),
			require => Package["apache2"],
			notify  => Service["apache2"],

This code seems okay at first, but it can lead to scattered Package[“apache2”] and Service[“apache2”] dependencies everywhere in your code. The other modules don’t have to know that apache2 is a single package and service, both with the name “apache2”. Let’s abstract these:

class apache2::package {
	package {
			ensure => latest,

class apache2::service {
	service {
			ensure => running,
			require => Class["apache2::package"],

class apache2 {
	include apache2::package
	include apache2::service

class mysite {
	file {
			content => template("mysite.com.erb"),
			require => Class["apache2::package"],
			notify  => Class["apache2::service"],

	file {
			content => template("admin.mysite.com.erb"),
			require => Class["apache2::package"],
			notify  => Class["apache2::service"],

This way, the specifics of installing and running apache2 are contained in two classes, and we can use these as dependencies, without coupling ourselves to the details. This structure gives us an extension point: If we need an additional package to run apache2, we can add it to apache2::package, without touching any of the resources depending on apache2 being installed. Additionally, it abstracts the name of these resources from the rest of the code. Of course we could use the name attribute to give these resources an alias, but this is cleaner, and more flexible.

Now the only weak point is the mysite class. It has duplication, which can be avoided easily, by introducing a custom resource:

define apache2::vhostfile($content) {
	file {
			content => $content,
			require => Class["apache2::package"],
			notify  => Class["apache2::service"],

class mysite {
	apache2::vhostfile {
			content => template("mysite.com.erb"),

	apache2::vhostfile {
			content => template("admin.mysite.com.erb"),

It’s easy to see why this structure is better:

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Clean Puppet code 04 October 2011. CentOS with Vagrant and VeeWee 30 September 2011. Referencing base box files in Vagrantfile 25 September 2011. Hello Octocat! 24 April 2011.
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